Mounts Sensory Backpacks – West Palm Beach
Apr 25, 2024 | 09:00 AM
To help these visitors adjust to new faces, new activities, bright lights, a range of
noise levels, and many other sensory experiences, Mounts Botanical Garden now provides free sensory backpacks with tools to reduce over-stimulation. Backpack includes: noise-cancelling headphones,
polarized sunglasses, and a variety of fidget devices. Sensory backpacks are
available at the Welcome Center & Gift Shop for visitors with sensory
sensitivities and need to be returned at the end of your visit. Be sure to also
pick up the Treasure Trek map in the Gift Shop. Children's activities include ethe giant outdoor fort, the giant green maze,
the towering moai, the butterfly garden and feeding the koi fish. Admission free for members and children 5 and under. Adults, $20; seniors,
college students and military with ID, $18; Children 6-17, $13.
Ages: All ages
Cost: $0-$20